Mitt Romney is in The Wrong Political Party; Maybe Even the Wrong Country.
OBAMACARE = ROMNEYCARE: Your signature government-run health care experiment in Massachusetts was a dismal failure. Nonetheless, in May 2009, you cited it as one of your "best ideas," praised it in July 2009, and in May 2009 said that "the best path to healthcare reform is to let the American people make their own decisions, not have those decisions forced on them by government."
[Never mind that RomneyCare forced decisions on individuals residing in Massachusetts.]
Your health care plan formed the basis for Obama's Socialist health care "reform." (The Daily News Record via FR/CATO/The Salt Lake Tribune via FR/The Boston Globe via FR/Fox News via FR/The Boston Globe via FR)
In other words, Mr. Romney, you are
The WSJ describes Mitt Romney as being to the left of Barrack Hussein Obama. If Mitt Romney becomes the Presidential Nominee for the Republican Party in 2012 and Barrack Hussein Obama the Presidential Nominee for the Democratic Party in 2012, will there be a real choice or merely a paved road to Socialistic Destruction of the two century old greatest democracy ever created on Earth and a return to Serfism?
It is past time to realign the political parties to create a real choice, a Socialist Party and a Constitutional Party. Mitt Romney should be happy in the Socialist or current Democratic Party next to Obama. Then the opposite party cleanse of it’s Socialists could give us a real choice.
I read these blog and it is really very fantastic to know about it. In all these there are so many things which is great to know about it is one of the greatest democracy.
Posted by: Canadian Drugs | November 19, 2010 at 09:29 PM